Don't be afraid of the Saffron!

Life has caught up with me and boy I have been busy! It seems if I'm not out doing workshops I'm having some fun with the family as summer is finally here! I have had a bit of creative time this last week so here is what I up to! The guide will be up and running in ONE week for those of you looking to purchase the guide only!

Not being a big saffron fan, I'm not going to lie this paper made me nervous! I was hesitant on things were going to flow and let me tell you... SO EASY! I had a blast working with this paper line named DOCUMENTED!


So many fun patterns... Look at that MAP... to die for right?!?!

What is that you spy... WOOD WORDS ...yes they are and they are fantastic!

Through out all the pages I have sprinkled hand stamped images, PML Cards (LOVE by the way, easy embellishments) wood and enamel dots for the perfect combo to highlight those amazing pictures!

Also keep scrolling for another fun addition! FLIP FLAPS! They are scattered all around these layouts so you can fit every last photo on that you need to!

The whole guide including pictures, and supply list will be EMAILED to you upon purchase of the supplies from my WEBSITE

They are easy to follow instructions that will guide you through making your own 
Documented Workshop!

My CTMH peeps are welcome to order this file and use to grow their business. They can be used in workshops settings! To consultants located in Canada you have the option to pay $15 USD to receive the guide OR place an order of $30 on my WEBSITE and get the guide FREE! 

Consultants outside Canada can purchase the guide for $15 USD 

Till Next time!
