Beautiful Isabella

This collection is an unexpectedly fun paper colour combination! The yellow and blue gives a beautiful pop of colour and the subtle additions of pink and green really add the finishing touch to these layouts! The Isabella Cricut collection made it easy to pair up the gorgeous shapes in this collection along side the super useful Isabella scrapbooking stamp and thin cut ! I didn't want to get to colourful with all the stamped images so leaving them a beautiful white clean white added the interest I wanted but filled up these pages nicely! Where can I get my hands on this... Here are some options for you! OPTION 1 - Place a Minimum Order $50 on my website HERE and receive the cutting guide and assembly instructions in your email. You will need to contact me by email HERE to request this guide, it will not automatically send to you. OPTION 2 - Don't worry about any of the cutting and get your pre cut kit right ...