Sweet as Honey Scrapbook Workshop
This paper made me so HAPPY! I loved every single aspect of it when I first saw it! I couldn't wait to start cutting! I have paired it with a few of the older Cricut collections and also added the BRAND NEW digital collection of SVG images coming out January 1, 2022! The Picture My Life pocket cards were also a welcome addition to this kit as they add so many different patterns to the mix! Lets take a look at some of the great technique features close up! OPTION 1 - Place a Minimum Order $50 on my website HERE and receive the cutting guide and assembly instructions in your email. You will need to contact me by email HERE to request this guide, it will not automatically send to you. OPTION 2 - Don't worry about any of the cutting and get your pre cut kit right HERE for $105. Put in the subject line Sweet As Honey, to let me know which one you would like! Make sure to give me about 2-3 weeks to ord...